Steve Workman's Blog

Future of Web Design Sketchnotes - Day 2

Over the last few days I attended the Future of Web Design conference in central London. It was a great two days meeting some of my peers and heroes of web design. Here's my notes from Day 2, featuring Ethan Marcotte, [Femi Adesina](<a href=), Josh Clark, Bruce Lawson, Martin Beeby (from #LWSIE the day before), Elliot Jay Stocks, Sarah B Nelson and once again, Josh Clark!

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Chrome or Opera

opera and chromeI've been experimenting with browsers for the past few days. Ever since Firefox 4b11 blew up (literally couldn't do anything, even with a re-install) I've been playing with other browsers. I've been an Opera user since 9.5 and I've been very happy - but you can't help thinking, "is life greener on the other side of the fence? Is Chrome better?" So, I tried to answer that

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