Steve Workman's Blog

HTML5 in your blog

This is the second part of a series on the construction of my blog. In this post, I'll be focusing on the underlying HTML5 markup.

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I could really do with an iPad right now

I've found my use case for an iPad: working without wi-fi. iPadI'm sat on my sofa watching the superbowl and my Internet connection is down. I'm left trying to write blog posts on my iPhone, which, by the speed of my typing, is not going to be fun. At this point, I'd like an iPad. I'd like a laptop which isn't quite a laptop, it just does what I need it to do. Thanks to lots of apps, the only thing I couldn't do on an iPad would be code, and I'm sure that won't be far away. All I want to do is write a blog post from the comfort of my sofa, without getting cramp in my hands or the battery running out.

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The Death of the Netbook

Netbook death watchI've never really understood the netbook craze. I can see the benefits of having a lightweight, low-power computer that performs 90% of the tasks you use a personal computer for; it just hasn't appealed to me, or my wallet.

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Tablet usability - the future can't come soon enough

ASUS eee tabletLast weekend I was sat on the tube (London underground to international readers), picadilly line to be exact, heading into central London. A young man got on and sat down opposite me. He got out a little ASUS netbook, turned it on and swivelled the lid to use it as a touch screen. "Awesome", I thought, "he's got one of those cool touch screen netbooks running Windows 7, I'd love one of those, it'd be so convenient".

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HTML 5 Forms - a spammers paradise

HTML 5 form spamDid you know, HTML 5, the spec that will be completed in 2022, but with some bits available now, will have a whole new set of form elements designed to make complex forms available natively from the browser. I've been to a few talks where Opera's Bruce Lawson has demoed and talked about these upcoming features that have been implemented in the Opera browser. From an accessibility standpoint it looks great; no longer will screen readers have to rely on labels to infer the type of data to be entered into forms. From a developer's standpoint, you won't have to code javascript date pickers any more, nor have to rely on javascript for validation.

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