Steve Workman's Blog

Why CSS Multi-Columns aren't ready for prime time

CSS Multi-column layout problemOf the upcoming CSS3 modules that are coming into common use: selectors, borders, text etc, the multi-column layout module interests me the most. I've always been a fan of newspaper style layouts and that was one of the key looks I was going for when re-designing this site. The big problem is that the module just isn't ready yet.

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Apple product roadmap 2010-2011 (prediction)

If you're like me, with an eye on Google Reader even over the holidays, you won't have failed to notice the upcoming Apple event at which the Apple touch-screen tablet, likely to be called iSlate or the Slate, will be announced. Such is the predictability of this event, given the number of rumours that have appeared, it is now completely without interest. Even the stock market takes more notice of Apple's rumours, rather than their product announcements.

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The Future of the Wave

I've started using Google Wave recently (thanks to a colleague of mine, James McQuarrie) and up-front, I'll say that I don't get it. I currently don't see the usefulness of it in my current situation (I'm working in a team that's all in the same room). However, I got an invite to the Google Technology Users Group (#gtug) talk on Wave by the Wave developers themselves so I thought I'd go along and see what all the fuss was about.

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My problem with HTML 5 - Styling <meter>

I consider myself quite a forward-looking chap. Apart from the occasional glance backwards to see IE6 still behind me and throw it some pity code every now and again, I try and use the latest technology and techniques whenever I can.

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