Steve Workman's Blog

Recent work - entirely non-UI focused

When I created this blog, I wanted it to be about user interfaces, CSS, and maybe a bit of client script and design. That's what I do and what I love doing, truly it's what I got into this business to do. My last few months, however, have been spent dealing with all sorts of other technologies that exist nowhere near the front end.

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Classitis (class-eye-tiss) – The new CSS disease

CSS has gone through many trends and phases in web development. Certain trends are welcome, like conditional stylesheets and developers refusing to do them for Internet Explorer 6. Other trends can have leave a web application with a disadvantage for the rest of its life, yes, in-line styles, I’m looking at you.

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Destroy Twitter - my new favourite Twitter client

Destroy Twitter Just a quick note about a new Twitter client - Destroy Twitter, that has quickly replaced Twhirl as my client of choice. It's lightweight, very simple and very fast whilst being incredibly slick at the same time. Now, all they have to do is get rid of the rubbish Windows chrome at the top and they're on to a winner!

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CSS Matrix Layouts - Another Way?

Today, Jonathan Snook posted about CSS Matrix Layouts, a proposal for a third way for creating advanced layouts in CSS3, with Advanced Layouts and Grid Layouts being the others. His ideas are around creating a grid and defining sections (be it divs or natural HTML5 elements) that are effectively laid out like a table. Each section can span like a table can span rows and columns, with all those values being stored in CSS. Take a look at the post for an example, it's quite simple once you get your head around it.

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