Steve Workman's Blog

Don't just complain about CSS3, do something!

A colleague of mine and I were discussing the current state of the internet, CSS3 and IE being behind the rest of the browsers in terms of standards adoption. He argued that IE was "rubbish because it doesn't support CSS3 selectors/borders etc". My reply to this was, "well, do something about it".

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6 Useful Sites for Beginning iPhone Development

iPhone development is the forefront of "cool" programming. Doing something with your latest toy and potentially selling it to millions of people, making a few bucks along the way. The main stumbling block (assuming you have a Mac) is the Objective-C language.

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Music of the Year

I've been using the brilliant service for nearly two years now, during which time it's introduced me to loads of new artists. The best thing about it is its iPod scrobbling, so it keeps track of what I listen to and I can do all sorts of stats on it. As it is that time of year, here's my music of the year!

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