Steve Workman's Blog

Unique IDs in AJAX Web Applications

This week, Roger Johansson of 456 Berea Street posted about unique IDs in web applications. I read this and thought, "you're right, they should be unique, but what if you've got an AJAX repeater?" By this I mean when I'm loading functional parts of my application that I'll be referencing with JavaScript again, do I have to maintain a unique ID? Surely it knows what I added last or how to make them into an array?

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Easy iPhone Applications

A few days ago I read about PhoneGap, an easy way to make an iPhone application using the web. The basic idea is that the native application runs a Webkit install pointed at a URL. From there you can run your iPhone-optimised web site without a hitch. Sounds wonderful.

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What Would the Best Mobile Web Toolkit Do?

As I mentioned in a previous post, I'm planning a mobile web toolkit to replace iUI, but what would you want in it that's not in iUI already? Should is work across all browsers, even Pocket IE and that godawful Blackberry Web Browser? Should it use progressive enhancement all over the shop or just create a new version for each browser? Should it focus on touch screens or is clicking important too?

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Easy Semantic Forms with CSS

In the early days of the Internet, web sites were for gathering and displaying information. In its 20 year history, this hasn't changed much! At some point on a site you have to enter your details or what information you're searching for. So, it makes sense that the thing I spend most of my time doing is creating forms!

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