Steve Workman's Blog

Interviews and Decisions

Today I was at PA Consulting in London (Victoria). This was my last interview of my job hunting process as I've already been offered a job at HP which I've accepted (not signed on the line yet tho). There were 4 of us there, including a guy I met at the HP interview (he'd been offered a job there too). We got on quite well as I knew him and he was nice n chatty. We weren't actually in PA's offices as their meeting room floor is being re-furbished, we were on the 27th floor of a building nearby (which had rather spectacular views). Anywho, the day was set out to have three tasks. An interview by a senior consultant, a case study and a group exercise. Firstly, I'll say that these were the hardest three tasks I've had at any assessment day.

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One long week

This has been a truly amazing week. I've travelled over 1000 miles and I'm not done travelling yet. I've had success, I've had failure, but I've also had so much fun that I'd do it all again in an instant.

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